Thursday, June 26, 2008

My English Day Speech

Ven. Welagama Pannananda, the deputy principle of this institute , rev.teachers and respectable teachers and my fellow rev. brothers, First of all, let me allow to express my sincere thanks specially for him who gave me a cordial invitation for this special occasion, the English Day celebration. Mr.Siriwardana, the head of English teachers in evening section! I owe you a great debt of gratitude. And I would like to use this remarkable opportunity in my life to be thankful all the teachers those who helped me on my way to university education in deep sense of gratitude.

Today I am talking here in this way. I would like to ask you "why should we give a top priority for learning English?" English isn't your first language, not mine too. Then why should we learn it? Simple answer is to earn money. " Learn English to earn money because English is money today. If you have the products of English then don't worry. there is a huge market outside to sell them out.

But it's not my intension today to discuss about this simple answer, but complex answer. not naive answer but sophisticated answer. Not the artless but gives such a huge importance for English language.

Climate change, soaring food and oil prices, financial turbulences and the apatite for power between major countries have been creating a catastrophic situation in this modern globalished society. It's no exaggeration to say that all these major issues are bi-products of modern scientific revolution. Not only western world but all around the globe have been exhausted with this particular topics- scientific revolution. So they have started to discuss about cultural issues, art, philosophy, religious belief and social matter so on. For example, you can turn your radio on to 96.4 here in Rabukkana there you BBC world service. then you'll find these special programmes. Green Revolution, Age of terror, reporting religion, Race and Reconciliation and so on. Because of the flames of certain scientific revolution which have been dominated past several decades, the great sources of philosophical knowledge has been dried up.
