Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Postponing works

I have a tendency of postponing my works. It is difficult to say exactly why I do that. But when it comes to my careful investigation, it seems to me that I always try to remove my pressure by postponing. Even though I feel a little pleasure from it, it should be noted that it is a another extra pressure for me. Clearly I know how should I avoid from this unnecessary feeling. But there is no enough motivation or courage of doing that. That's the main problem which I always been facing.

There is a another reason for postponing works. When it is clear for me that doing certain task is not beneficial for my future or not meet my expectation, I tend to postponing it. May be I know that this will really help me and I try to do it better then. That's also another reason postponing works. Sometime when my expectation collapse, I have a good reason for my favourite habit.

Any way, if we investigate for a clear reason for postponing works, it is too difficult to find a exact one reason. But what it results can not be disregard easily. We have to face so many difficulties, pressure, depression and so on. SO DO NOT TRY TO POSTPONE ANYTHING YOU GOT.

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